Transforming people and communities through business - More than $1.5 million donated to local charities
August 25th, Most Popular Route in Eugene
* ImpactClub® Eugene - More than $70,000 donated to local Eugene-based charities!
ImpactClub® Believer
In many ways, a Believer is the most powerful force on Earth when it comes Impact & Change. They have passion and conviction, but sometimes lack the financial resources to make the bigger contributions. So, they contribute what they can, and lead the charge using the power of their voice.
Featured in event publicity, marketing, online media
Website listing with linked Logo
Public recognition at IC® 5K Event
Logo (one color) on back of Race T-Shirts
Option to add one (1) item to IC® 5K Swag Bag
(2) Complimentary Race Entries
Option to setup a Company Table on Race Day
Invitation to attend next IC® Event as Cofounder's Guest
Limited to 10
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